Camera Reviews

I have surprised myself that I’ve looked at so many cameras already! That also means that it’s getting a little difficult for anyone, including me, to find “my thoughts on” these cameras. So I am going to attempt an index here – this might be a work in progress for a while so bear with me!! (up-dated June ’23)


Bronica SQA

Canon AE-1 Programme

Canon EOS 30

Canon Sureshot Supreme

Canon Sureshot Zoom 60

Fuji GSW 690 III

Fujica GE

Hasselblad 500CM

Hasselblad 501CM

JB Ensign

Kodak Retinette

Kodak VPK

Konica Hexar AF

Leica M6

Nikon FE2

Nikon F3 (also here)

Olympus EE2

Olympus AF10

Olympus Mju-1 (and here)

Olympus OM10

Olympus Trip 35 (and here)

Olympus XA2 (and here)

Pentax IQZoom 140M

Pentax ME Super

Pentax Spotmatic SPF

Ricoh KR-5

Rollei 35B

Rollei 35S

Rolliecord Va

Rolleiflex 28a TLR

Yashica 635 TLR

Zeiss Ikon Nettar 517/16

Zenith 11