A solo photo of a solo flower

I’ve lost my photography mojo! About the time of the start of Covid I purchased a “Peace Lilly” from the local garden centre, where I typically have breakfast once a week. It out grew the pot and I had to split it. Another couple of years and repeat – I now have 5! So far this year I’ve had a solo flower! As I sat looking at it the other day, it struck me that so far this year I’ve only shot one entire roll of film – unheard of for me!

This winter has been meagre pickings. First of all, the weather in these parts has been a record wet. Every day that I have been off work this year so far, it’s been raining! Without fail. This has meant that it’s been mild which is nice, but the endless grey does get me down a bit. Second, but perhaps not entirely un-related, I’ve felt off. Not ill, not bad, not depressed – just off. I watch the adventures of Ben Horne on you tube (highly recommended) and he has what he refers to as a “first day funk” I’ve had a two month one!

Third, I have been busy, work partly, but also life in general. I don’t seem to have had much time to concentrate on photography. All excuses, but that’s how it is.

Thank you to all of you have still been looking in, yes, I’m still alive, and coming out of hibernation! Normal service should be resumed soon. I have a short local holiday booked soon. This is something that I’m starting to see the advantages of. More about that soon. I’ve already been making plans of what film, cameras, and lenses to take. I’ve also had a look at stuff to visit. Just the act of booking the trip, and considering photography, has lightened my mood.

The photo above was taken on the XT-5 with the 18-55mm, lighting was just from the Velux window above, and the backdrop was the TV.

7 thoughts on “A solo photo of a solo flower

  1. I think we all go through the periods from time to time where, before you can find photographs, you have to find your inspiration. I find that looking at photobooks can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing, or watching YouTube videos by photographers whose work I admire (or who present and discuss the work of others). Sometimes a project can be a good way to get impetus (although, personally, I seem to be better at thinking of projects than I am at completing them! ;)).

    Anyway, hope you find your mojo soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! Yes, of course your right! I’ve certainly got plenty of books to look at! Ben Horne is an inspiration on you tube, I just need an 8×10 camera obviously! 🙂 lol. It’s not that I’ve lost my love of photographing or photography, more I’ve just got fed up with photographing the same old… Holiday approaching… stand by!! – Cheers Andy

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  2. I understand, we all have ups and downs artistically. Here in my part of the US it has been very rainy and gray as well, when we get sunny days it’s while I am at work and unable to enjoy it.

    Hang in there, it will come back!!!

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    1. Hi, that’s how it’s been here! We do have the occasional nice day, but it’s while I’m at work! Still spring is around the corner, and when I do get out and about with the camera, it will be enjoyed even more than usual!! Cheers and all best wishes, Andy


  3. I remember during Covid I wanted to sort out my film funk. It was the developping process. I thought I was doing eveything in a textbook fashion. I still knew how to take a photo, but I was so annoyed at the second part of it all. I love the photo you’ve shown us. It’s a beautiful flower indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi – many thanks! In some ways it was just the single photo that finally got me off my backside and a step back into the “groove”. Amazingly that flower is still going!!! Cheers Andy

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