Looking Forward

Yes, I’m still alive, although I’ve had a mini break from posting! This was not intentional, more a fact of I just haven’t done much in the way of photography for the last couple weeks! Hopefully things are about to change, just today, despite a forecast of yet more rain, as I finished breakfast, the sun came out so I took myself off to the local town of any size (Poole) and used up my roll of Phoenix. So that will be a future post once the film is developed!

Hopefully I’ll get to Kingston Lacy – our local National Trust property in time to catch the Snowdrop blooming, they are out now. I believe this was where they were first introduced into the UK, but I’m not sure of that so I’ll do my research and check! If I get there in time of course I’ll have a camera with me!

Last week my car went through the MOT, after £800. So I’m back on the road for another year. Funny how I can spend more than that on photography in a year and enjoy it, but when it comes to a car, it seems a chore! Still, it gets me out and about, perhaps I should start thinking of it more as a camera bag!

Spring is around the corner and I have a weeks holiday coming up – so that should give me time for some photography and some content to post – so stay tuned dear reader, I’m still going!!

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