Bennett’s Cross

A single photo type post! Bennett’s Cross stands up on Dartmoor, it is one of many old/ancient crosses. This one may have been a marker showing the route between the monasteries of Exeter and Tavistock. Benet being a medieval corruption of Benedictine. On the other hand it could take it’s name from William Bennett a local tin miner. This is the more likely explanation when we find that WB is carved on the shaft. However, it could also mean Warren Boundary, the warren being used to supply rabbit meat to the local tin miners. Whatever it’s history, it’s earliest written record of the the cross is 1702, although it was almost certainly carved and erected long before that!

The photo was made with my Hasselblad 501cm with the “Standard” 80mm lens, on Ilford Pan-F-Plus. Developed with my home brew D23.

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